Supercharger tune and LC-2

  • Hi Everyone.

    Firstly please excuse me as I do not speak or understand German language.
    I am new to this forum.

    I had tried to contact Dougie but no reply (maybe Christmas vacation)
    So I ask questions openly on forum.

    Car is 1992 SPI Cooper running UMS.
    Just completed blow through M45 Supercharger conversion.
    All existing sensors (CAS, CTS, ATS, TPS) and UMS inbuilt MAP.

    I need to start car so I can tune it.
    Using existing tune, car starts but dies immediately.

    Q1 Anyone have base tune for forced induction A series they are willing to share?

    Q2 Anyone have how to guide for converting to wideband O2 controller.
    Innovate LC-2 to UMS and TunerStudioMS.

    I would appreciate any help.
    Thank you for reading.

Jetzt mitmachen!

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