• danke... :)

    its been 3 years since i last spoke german
    3 jahr deutsch ich gesprecken :confused:

    ich nicht zehr gut :headshk:

  • oh, a long time, especially with german..

    but no problem, if you post in the forum, post it in english...


  • minicooperman...

    hi there.

    forum exchange rules... :)
    great idea.

    don't worry. your german is better than my english... ;) :p
    however... nice to see people at least trying it. like that habit.

    feel well over here...

    The whole is greater than the sum of its pieces...

  • thanks guys. :)

    unfortunately i cannot traslate some of your german topics into english so if i put something in the wrong place your'll know why :rolleyes:

Jetzt mitmachen!

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